Sunday, February 22, 2009
Quiet Sundays
About the list… lately I’ve been reading a lot and I’m in that point of, without know very well how, having 3 books on the desk (curiously one in portuguese, other in english and other in french), two or three newspapers that I want to read with more attention, the february magazine of my work, also to read with more attention, two little books related with some school-works and finally a book of probabilities and statistic. Unlike the “writing tasks”, I think that the “reading tasks” will not be hard to achieve… I’ve been thinking in the monologue and dialogue tasks and thanks to a little “help” that came from the cold, I’m also studying the possibility of recording the final result in an audio format. I heard some days ago two “audio plays”, that were broadcasted by BBC and I stood simply delighted with them. It’s incredible the action, the feelings and the laughs, that someone can transmit only with the voice and I really was admired with that. I also know that it’s not easy, but it’s that thing, when you find new pleasures, you want very badly explore them more.
I already listened the Bach’s Cello Suites, but I think that I can’t talk about the “like it or not” yet. It was in an end of a day, at the same time that I was reading something, and in the end I had that feeling of “I don’t know…”, of “I must to hear it again”. Classic music is really so different from the things that I’m used to hear that I think that it wasn’t enough that first contact, that first listen… Does this make sense?
(now that I think on it, I think that it does…there were many albums that I only started to like at about the 3rd or 4th time that I heard them)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
it's just my feeling, or everybody looks happier?
today 18ºC
sky-colour when I got out from work: blueee
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Inside us there is something that has no name and that something is what we are
“I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see”
I think that it’s not public the great affection that I have for the Portuguese writer José Saramago. For my family it’s very much of “she likes reading” and I know that if I asked to my closest relatives, as my mother or my sister, five books that I own, they wouldn’t know how to answer. My cousin would say easily 20 bands that I like and my other cousin knows instantly if I like or not of something to wear, for example, but with books it seems that it’s something completely apart. So, for them, I can have all Saramago books or all the Nicholas Sparks romances that the difference wouldn’t be much. I have some friends that also read, that gave and receive books, that know the latest titles and that, but I think that only two read Saramago and like it. It’s so common to hear that Saramago books are boring and hard to read and so rare hear someone enthusiastically talking about his stories. I can think “well, maybe it’s just people of my age that don’t read much Saramago, or my circle of friends”, and hope that be that, but there’s an image that I have in my mind of him (completely alone in a table in a book fair, in Lisbon) that takes me back to the other feeling.
He creates the most unpredictable situations and simply put humans reacting to them. Saramago stories should be discussed at TV, at radio, at school, everywhere, “and if people stop dying from one day to another?”, “and if suddenly we all stop seeing?”, “what if one woman could truly see a person’s interior?”, “how would we react if we found out someone exactly like us?”. “what can happen when a man changes just one word in a book that is read to be published?”, “if we had the opportunity, would we like to have a 7-days notice before the moment where we die?”, … To read Saramago is a mental exercise. How many times did I read the same sentence? How many times I went back to understand what was there at my front? His stories open new worlds and new possibilities for me, talk to me of humanity, of the very basic instincts, of good, of bad, of people as they are, with no colourful tricks, of things that are beneath.
“Some people spend their entire lives reading but never get beyond reading the words on the page, they don't understand that the words are merely stepping stones placed across a fast-flowing river, and the reason they're there is so that we can reach the farther shore, it's the other side that matters.”
A few times ago I spent some days in the Pyrenees and I took a Saramago’s book that it was read a little bit almost every day aloud, and I can’t take out of my mind this image, of getting to a mountain refuge at the end of the day, perfect weather and wonderful places, and be sited on a stone resting and hearing (or reading if it was my time) his story, with my eyes closed. I haven’t read or heard anything aloud since my early school years and it was so good to discover that little pleasure.
Something to read more and more in these 1001 days =)
“The moral conscience that so many thoughtless people have offended against and many more have rejected, is something that exists and has always existed. It was not an invention of the philosophers of the Quartenary, when the soul was little more than a muddled proposition. With the passing of time, as well as then social evolution and genetic exchange, we ended up putting our conscience in the colour of blood and in the salt of tears, and, as if that were not enough, we made our eyes into a kind of mirror turned inwards, with the result that they often show without reserve what we are verbally trying to deny. Add to this general observation, the particular circumstance that in simple spirits, the remorse caused by committing some evil act often becomes confused with ancestral fears of every kind, and the result will be that the punishment of the prevaricator ends up being, without mercy or pity, twice what he deserved.”
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I feel that I have so many things to start…
I feel that I have so many things to listen…
I feel that I have so many things to see…
I feel that I have so many places to go…
I feel that I have so many things to read…
And especially, I truly feel that I have so many things to learn…
I go out to work everyday at 6h45 and arrive at home generally around 20h15/20h30. Since that I’m not one of those magic-persons that with only 3 or 4 hours of sleep stay happily ready to another crazy day, I don’t have much time between arriving and actually go to bed! And with that so few little time I end up in having that feeling of “so many things to do” VS “already 23h??I didn’t do anything today!!”. For example… In the last weeks I was having a problem with my computer: I couldn’t download any type of file from the internet. Not even simple files, like an image or a word document, and yesterday I finally decided to loose some time to really study the situation and solve it (yes, I’m a girl that doesn’t understand very much about computers)! At the end of almost two hours I reached to the solution and I solved it…but I couldn’t help it thinking “%$#&% I spent all my night in this!! What a crap!!”.
I know that I don’t want to be someone who is loosing time with things that aren’t so important, for the ones that really are*. But time is such a tricky thing…
But the good news are:
# I already have the Bach’s Cello Suites – by the way, they came in a beautiful envelope!! Only my name written on it wins a kind of “artistic existence” =)
# I have double accomplished #30, with Rebeca doing her own list (Welcome to the adventure!!)
# I dind’t know anything about Matthieu Ricard, but since yesterday that I’ve been hearing some of his ideas about happiness and ways of being in life… very, very intersting
# Tomorrow I’m going to see Slumdog Millionaire =) (and see the director’s answer for that big question!)
# I ended up reading Amos Oz “How to cure a fanatic” and it has also some very good thoughts… Fanaticism is far for being only the “extreme-atitudes-of-those-islamic-that-literally-follows-what-its-written-in-alcoran” and it can be very close of us… inside us… even without we know it…
“The fanaticism essence relays in the wish of oblige others in changing. In that so common tendency in improve the neighbour, correct the girlfriend, doing an engineer from the son, to “straight-up” the brother, instead of letting them be. (…)
Fanaticism is everywhere. In more silent ways, more civilized. I know many non-smokers that would burn you alive just for lightning up a cigarette near them. Many vegetarians that would eat you alive just for eating meat. (…)”
(freely – and badly – translated from portuguese by me)
* P.S. I’m not minimizing computer acknowledgments… For me it’s just not too interesting :P