“You see, when you end up killing one of your men, you tell yourself it happened so you could save the lives of two or threee or ten others. Maybe a hundred others.
This time the mission is a man…
This Ryan is better be worth it. He’d better go home and cure some disease or invent a longer-lasting light bulb or something.”
Yesterday I started the adventure of seeing 101 movies from the IMDB Top 250 Films List and I started from one that I think that I didn’t see since the time that it was in the cinema, Saving Private Ryan.
The Second World War is a history-period that really interests me, all the things that happened, all the mechanisms that lead to it, all the humanity that gone out, all the things that men could do to men. And it happened in my century. My mom born just a few years after of the end of the war, it was in my continent, and we really saw photos of the true horror. Not like one of those distant conflicts, in time or space.
This Spielberg movie moves around this idea that fascinates me…How many lives does it worth a life of a man? During the almost three hours my thoughts and ideas are tested, always coming to my mind “And what if it was me?”, what should I do, how would I react? And the final and big question…does the life of one worths eight more?
And I still don’t know my answer.
Anyway, the film really reminds me how in time of despair, humanity must be really a different thing. And this makes me think.
“James… Earn this.
Earn it.”
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Little Shares

Today I received this lighthouse on my mailbox and I thought that this would be a very good excuse to come here and write a little bit =) One of the good things in arriving home at the end of the day (besides all the other good things) is that once in a while I have a postcard waiting for me on the mail. Not on the computer, not an instant message, not some virtual hello. On that little box that demands a key to be open. Receiving a postcard gives us a moment where we disappear momentarily… We just stay there, looking to the postcard, smiling to the words that someone wrote on it, looking two, three, four times, to the picture on the front, imagining a thousand of possibilities. And I really like of that moment, of that always new-surprise.
On these last days I “re-found” a friend that I didn’t see since university. We were not even very friends, but after so so many years without seeing someone it’s good when in an improbable moment we found that person again. And this was a very improbable moment. I like of the feeling of being comfortable with someone without any special reason. And this is one of those persons. You can spend many many years without talking with them, but in the end, you always fell good and comfortable when you see them again. On the opposite there are those persons that you always knew, with whom you spent a lot of years, seeing every days, talking on the phone many hours, knowing all those growing-up histories and their parents and the rest of the family, that when you see them now you fell like a totally strange. Not knowing what to say, what to share, how to react. And that happens to me too. My rational part says “Hey, stop with that! You know this person, very well actually!! Tell to your body to react normal”, but my body simply doesn’t obey. Isn’t strange? Illogical?
So, about my list! The day without the TV hasn’t been very hard to accomplish. Last week I think that I didn’t turn on the television wednesday and thursday. It’s a question of habit… You find always something interesting and good to do and without notice it’s already time to go to bed again. I started (and ended) reading The Shell Seekers, from Rosamunde Pilcher, and despite not being one of my favourites books (and it’s not near of that) it was good reading. It makes me think (once more) how family it’s a strange and powerful link.
When I showed the list to a few persons I loved that reaction of them in trying to help me in the biggest number of things that they could! So, right now, and between other things, I already have
# A book from England on my way*
# Company to go to London
# Someone that will teach me to do the tie knot
# Company to drink the expensive wine bottle right now in December
# Someone that also wants all my aunt’s recipes
Like I said this week to someone: “It’s good to have company.”
In our journeys.
* I don’t know yet the title, it’s a kind of surprise, but my friend gave me a clue: “You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you.”
On these last days I “re-found” a friend that I didn’t see since university. We were not even very friends, but after so so many years without seeing someone it’s good when in an improbable moment we found that person again. And this was a very improbable moment. I like of the feeling of being comfortable with someone without any special reason. And this is one of those persons. You can spend many many years without talking with them, but in the end, you always fell good and comfortable when you see them again. On the opposite there are those persons that you always knew, with whom you spent a lot of years, seeing every days, talking on the phone many hours, knowing all those growing-up histories and their parents and the rest of the family, that when you see them now you fell like a totally strange. Not knowing what to say, what to share, how to react. And that happens to me too. My rational part says “Hey, stop with that! You know this person, very well actually!! Tell to your body to react normal”, but my body simply doesn’t obey. Isn’t strange? Illogical?
So, about my list! The day without the TV hasn’t been very hard to accomplish. Last week I think that I didn’t turn on the television wednesday and thursday. It’s a question of habit… You find always something interesting and good to do and without notice it’s already time to go to bed again. I started (and ended) reading The Shell Seekers, from Rosamunde Pilcher, and despite not being one of my favourites books (and it’s not near of that) it was good reading. It makes me think (once more) how family it’s a strange and powerful link.
When I showed the list to a few persons I loved that reaction of them in trying to help me in the biggest number of things that they could! So, right now, and between other things, I already have
# A book from England on my way*
# Company to go to London
# Someone that will teach me to do the tie knot
# Company to drink the expensive wine bottle right now in December
# Someone that also wants all my aunt’s recipes
Like I said this week to someone: “It’s good to have company.”
In our journeys.
* I don’t know yet the title, it’s a kind of surprise, but my friend gave me a clue: “You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you.”
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The good thing in waking up early every day is that on a very simple thursday, at 6:47 a.m, when we are already paying the gas amount in the gas post, when the sun hasn't come out yet, when the thing we most want is our very warm bed, is that on that exact minute and moment, we look down and on the dirty floor of the gas post...we can find a €20 note! And yes, that happened to me today =)
Something to wear, a bag, going out for dinner with the sister, a lots of postcards, christmas presents, go with someone to see the last movie from Fernando Meireles - Blindness - on saturday, spend that money in more gas and go for a walk, candies...it's amazing the quantity of things that we can think when we have an "extra" incoming =) And more tastefull is this mental exercise, that makes us go the rest of the journey to the work smiling with all this idiot but good possibilities!
Something to wear, a bag, going out for dinner with the sister, a lots of postcards, christmas presents, go with someone to see the last movie from Fernando Meireles - Blindness - on saturday, spend that money in more gas and go for a walk, candies...it's amazing the quantity of things that we can think when we have an "extra" incoming =) And more tastefull is this mental exercise, that makes us go the rest of the journey to the work smiling with all this idiot but good possibilities!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Longest Way
After a week completely crazy I have finally time to waste some time with my “little world”. That included first of all spending all the morning in the bed (very very warm) just seeing a movie, closing my eyes, looking at the clock and saying it “this time you won’t get the best” =)
I tried to solve the photo machine problem and unfortunately I couldn’t do it…worse, I find new problems on my computer!! What would be the fun in resolving just one problem, please, 4 or 5!! In some way I must to get smarter trying to solve all those unexpected problems, right? So, why to loose the whole afternoon with those issues if I my sister has a computer? So yes, I took the machine and the cable, I passed the photos to her computer, put them in my usb pen, brought it to my computer, downloaded and finally I put them here. The longest way? Yes, it was, but for me it seemed the pleasant way of doing it without break anything and annoy myself. So I started the path of #21.

There are two things that I compromised to do weekly, one I did and other…well, I blame the American Elections by not doing it. Today I bought the newspaper…one that I like very much, called “Publico”. I used to buy the Friday edition, because it has a weekly-extra that I really like, “Ypsílon”, but on Saturdays it brings a weekly-extra dedicated to journeys. So I decided to try the Saturday edition to decide which one I prefer. But no, I haven’t read it yet from the very first page till the last, but I’m counting with my Sunday to do it =) The other thing, not see TV one day in the week…well, the perfect day to do that this week would be on wednesday, November 5th. I arrive home at 20h00 and literally I was in bed at 21h40, more or less. So, tired and with low levels of patience what better that not to turn on the TV? But it was inevitable… when I was parking my car were 19h54 and in my head was a voice telling me “Hurry up, hurry up, you only have 6minutes before the news start” and yes, I spent about a hour seeing the special edition dedicated to Barack victory. It was incredible how the republicans, when the defeat was inevitable were still drinking and celebrating. The journalist even said to some of them “but look here, at the computer, don’t you see that Obama is already winning?” and they refused to believe in that. That makes me think how our mind sometimes is closed to everything else, defying logic and reason for things that we simple don’t want to see how they really are. Oh well, I’m in debt with one more day without seeing television. But the important is that #9 and #40 are entering in my weekly life =)
Finally, just to say that I still don’t know the films that are on IMDB Top List, but that this week I saw
* The other Boleyan Girl
* Sex and The City, The Movie
I loved the first one (I love history and I love when something gives us the idea of “the other side of history could have been this…” and gives us other ways of thinking in people that really changed their times). The other one, yes, it’s very different, and despite not being a Carrie Bradshaw super fan, sometimes she and her friends make me laugh with all those theories about relations. I liked too =) So, next move…please, stop seeing random movies and go get the list!!
(P.S. All this was written yesterday, Saturday! Today yes, I’m reading my journal and trying to profit this very sunny Sunday!! Right now, I’m going to the coffee. Até já.)
I tried to solve the photo machine problem and unfortunately I couldn’t do it…worse, I find new problems on my computer!! What would be the fun in resolving just one problem, please, 4 or 5!! In some way I must to get smarter trying to solve all those unexpected problems, right? So, why to loose the whole afternoon with those issues if I my sister has a computer? So yes, I took the machine and the cable, I passed the photos to her computer, put them in my usb pen, brought it to my computer, downloaded and finally I put them here. The longest way? Yes, it was, but for me it seemed the pleasant way of doing it without break anything and annoy myself. So I started the path of #21.

There are two things that I compromised to do weekly, one I did and other…well, I blame the American Elections by not doing it. Today I bought the newspaper…one that I like very much, called “Publico”. I used to buy the Friday edition, because it has a weekly-extra that I really like, “Ypsílon”, but on Saturdays it brings a weekly-extra dedicated to journeys. So I decided to try the Saturday edition to decide which one I prefer. But no, I haven’t read it yet from the very first page till the last, but I’m counting with my Sunday to do it =) The other thing, not see TV one day in the week…well, the perfect day to do that this week would be on wednesday, November 5th. I arrive home at 20h00 and literally I was in bed at 21h40, more or less. So, tired and with low levels of patience what better that not to turn on the TV? But it was inevitable… when I was parking my car were 19h54 and in my head was a voice telling me “Hurry up, hurry up, you only have 6minutes before the news start” and yes, I spent about a hour seeing the special edition dedicated to Barack victory. It was incredible how the republicans, when the defeat was inevitable were still drinking and celebrating. The journalist even said to some of them “but look here, at the computer, don’t you see that Obama is already winning?” and they refused to believe in that. That makes me think how our mind sometimes is closed to everything else, defying logic and reason for things that we simple don’t want to see how they really are. Oh well, I’m in debt with one more day without seeing television. But the important is that #9 and #40 are entering in my weekly life =)
Finally, just to say that I still don’t know the films that are on IMDB Top List, but that this week I saw
* The other Boleyan Girl
* Sex and The City, The Movie
I loved the first one (I love history and I love when something gives us the idea of “the other side of history could have been this…” and gives us other ways of thinking in people that really changed their times). The other one, yes, it’s very different, and despite not being a Carrie Bradshaw super fan, sometimes she and her friends make me laugh with all those theories about relations. I liked too =) So, next move…please, stop seeing random movies and go get the list!!
(P.S. All this was written yesterday, Saturday! Today yes, I’m reading my journal and trying to profit this very sunny Sunday!! Right now, I’m going to the coffee. Até já.)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Easy things bring easy beginnings
On the 1st day of my project I decided to open a blog and actually this #101 Challenge was the perfect excuse to do it. I never had the will (or the need) of writing a journal or a di
ary frequently. Sometimes I could have one or other thing to share, but I never thought that would be enough to the maintenance of a blog. Joining that to my little bit of being lazy and it’s perfectly clear the absence of a blog in someone that really likes writing.
So, the first thing of the list was obvious for me…to create this place of sharing and of “social-responsibility”. It is easy to have some ideas, not sharing them and in the end don’t be bored by not achieving that ideas…after all, only we were on the knowledge of them. But to share our ideas and projects with others takes us to another level, we really want to achieve them, because, at least our friends are with us in that, crossing fingers to make it all right, and we don’t want to let them down =) Thing #5 was launched up.
This way, after my busy Sunday in the blogs-universe I started to think in the simple thing that I could next. And for me the #61 seemed very easy and obvious. So I went to a mall, to one of those huge stores of
electric things and I choose one from the dozens of products that they had in the exhibitor! Obviously I choose one not very expensive =) Comparing with my old mp3 this one has hugeee space (only 2GB, but the other one had only 512MB – I remember that when I bought it sounded so much!!) and I’m try it now…at least fulfilling it with some albums and other tracks that I have here for a while but for the lack of time I still didn’t listen them. Things like the Best Of from Radiohead, the last album of Portishead, a album from Patrick Watson, a Portuguese band, Deolinda, and other old things that sounds really comfortable to hear from times to times =)
In the few days I think I’m going to have my first obstacle… for some reason my computer isn’t recognizing my camera so I can’t past the photos of this two tasks (yes, one of the things it’s to photograph all the things by the time I was fulfilling them), but with hope it’s just a temporary bad-humour of the machine that will be quickly solved.
(mentally #102 thing – To solve little obstacles that we never thing we’re going to have at first sight!!)
So, easy things came first.
What’s next? =)

So, the first thing of the list was obvious for me…to create this place of sharing and of “social-responsibility”. It is easy to have some ideas, not sharing them and in the end don’t be bored by not achieving that ideas…after all, only we were on the knowledge of them. But to share our ideas and projects with others takes us to another level, we really want to achieve them, because, at least our friends are with us in that, crossing fingers to make it all right, and we don’t want to let them down =) Thing #5 was launched up.
This way, after my busy Sunday in the blogs-universe I started to think in the simple thing that I could next. And for me the #61 seemed very easy and obvious. So I went to a mall, to one of those huge stores of

In the few days I think I’m going to have my first obstacle… for some reason my computer isn’t recognizing my camera so I can’t past the photos of this two tasks (yes, one of the things it’s to photograph all the things by the time I was fulfilling them), but with hope it’s just a temporary bad-humour of the machine that will be quickly solved.
(mentally #102 thing – To solve little obstacles that we never thing we’re going to have at first sight!!)
So, easy things came first.
What’s next? =)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The 101 Things * 02.11.2008/21.04.2011
#1 To do a travel with someone who I’ve never travelled before
#2 To become a bone marrow donor
#3 To taste typical food of a country I’ve never tried before
#4 To edit an article to Wikipedia
#5 To open a blog and keep it updated
#6 To do Scuba Diving
#7 To change of apartment
#8 To travel by train
#9 Not watch TV one day for week
#10 To learn how to cook seafood (actually, “sapateira”…don’t have idea what’s the word on English)
#11 To write an historical article
#12 To become a partner of a Non-Governmental-Organization
#13 One day, in which it is raining a lot, to go out for a walk on the street
#14 To use my Lomo
#15 To do a list with my 101 favourite songs
#16 To buy a shaker and learn how to do a lot of very good drinks
(that are always too expensive on the pubs)
#17 To climb to a mountain higher than the highest mountain that I already climbed (to check which one it is)
#18 To visit 3 museums/exhibitions
#19 To read again The Lord of the Rings
#20 To buy a new sleeping bag (and use it)
#21 To take a photo to each one of the 101 things by the time I’m doing each one
#22 To go to “Quinta da Regaleira” with Paula and Jorge
#23 To write on a little notebook all my contacts (because yes, cell phones get lost, get broken, are stolen, etc etc ect)
#24 To find out the origin of my name “Borda d’Água”
#25 To do the puzzle “The Accolade”
#26 To write a manifesto
#27 To triple my postcards collection
#28 To go to a gym
#29 To do a travel with my aunt
#30 To convince someone to do his own list of “101 things to do in 1001 days”
#31 For a weekend only eat vegetarian food
#32 To read a book written in French
#33 To make a BIG surprise to my godson in one of his birthdays or in Christmas
#34 To buy an expensive red wine bottle and share it with someone
#35 To write a monologue
#36 To write a dialog
#37 To participate at least once in a volunteers action, with which I identify myself
#38 To loose 8kg
#39 To go to London
#40 To pick up a day in the week, buy the newspaper that day and read it from the beginning to the end
#41 To see 101 movies from the 250 Best Movies List of IMDB
#42 To send a letter to someone that doesn’t have a clue of who I am
#43 To cook to someone
#44 To learn a new language
#45 To go see a football match of the Portuguese selection (if possible, in a foreign country)
#46 To go for a rally with my cousin
#47 To do a digital compilation of all my photos
#48 To plant tulips
#49 To ride a motorbike
#50 To visit the Convent of Christ, in Tomar
#51 To send a Chocotelegram to someone
#52 To always have at least one postcard travelling by Postcrossing
#53 To go out for a coffee with a friend that I don’t talk to for years
#54 To taste something that I think I’m not going to like it
#55 To attend a creative writing workshop
#56 To go out for a big weekend and do a road trip (but without previous destination)
#57 To save 1€ for each of the 1001 days
#58 To decide what to do in the end of the 1001 days with 1001 Euros
#59 To go to the theatre
#60 To do a thematic party in the summer at my garden, in Murteira
#61 To buy a new mp3
#62 To go to the library and return the two books that I’ve bought and that are in my bookcase for over an year
#63 To visit Italy or Czech Republic
#64 To calcute my ecological footprint and reduce it
#65 To do my own recipes book (and include on it all those recipes that are in my aunt’s head)
#66 To do something that I think that I’m not able to do
#67 To go to a SPA
#68 To do a First Aid kit to put on the car
#69 To photograph the maximum number of Castles and Lighthouses in Portugal
#70 To go to a concert of a Portuguese band
#71 To go to a concert of a foreign band
#72 To read a book written in English
#73 To ride a horse
#74 To learn how to work with a program of photography edition
#75 To write a “Travel Diary” of one of my travels
#76 To paint the hair on a different colour (just to see!!)
#77 To hear 101 albums of the list of the “1000 albums that you should hear before you die”
#78 To learn how to do “molotof” (typical Portuguese dessert)
#79 To get ride off of 101 things that I already don’t need
#80 To learn how to change the car tire
#81 To do my family tree
#82 To write a letter of gratitude to some establishment where I had been really well attended
#83 To buy a good classic music cd and decide if I like it or not
#84 To read 12 books that are considered “Classic”
#85 To read 12 books that are considered “Contemporaries”
#86 To write a text for someone read when I die
#87 To see Requiem for a Dream (don’t have idea if it is on the 250 Best Movies List of the IMDB)
#88 To see Toy Story (idem)
#89 To enrol in another degree course
#90 To read a book of each Nobel Prize of the Literature awarded in that year and to know who gained the other Nobel Prizes and why
#91 To go camping at least 7 times
#92 To learn how to do the “tie knot”
#93 To do my passport (and use it!)
#94 To gather some histories about my family, specially those that I don’t have idea yet
#95 To go on a roller coaster
#96 To complete my dvd’s collection of Friends (two seasons missing)
#97 To swim with the dolphins (or in the impossibility to swim on a waterfall)
#98 To do a Pic-Nic
#99 To go to the Alps
#100 To take a “self-portrait” of my family in Murteira, in the summer (with all!!)
#101 To celebrate in a funny way the accomplishment of these 101 things
#2 To become a bone marrow donor
#3 To taste typical food of a country I’ve never tried before
#4 To edit an article to Wikipedia
#5 To open a blog and keep it updated
#6 To do Scuba Diving
#7 To change of apartment
#8 To travel by train
#9 Not watch TV one day for week
#10 To learn how to cook seafood (actually, “sapateira”…don’t have idea what’s the word on English)
#11 To write an historical article
#12 To become a partner of a Non-Governmental-Organization
#13 One day, in which it is raining a lot, to go out for a walk on the street
#14 To use my Lomo
#15 To do a list with my 101 favourite songs
#16 To buy a shaker and learn how to do a lot of very good drinks
(that are always too expensive on the pubs)
#17 To climb to a mountain higher than the highest mountain that I already climbed (to check which one it is)
#18 To visit 3 museums/exhibitions
#19 To read again The Lord of the Rings
#20 To buy a new sleeping bag (and use it)
#21 To take a photo to each one of the 101 things by the time I’m doing each one
#22 To go to “Quinta da Regaleira” with Paula and Jorge
#23 To write on a little notebook all my contacts (because yes, cell phones get lost, get broken, are stolen, etc etc ect)
#24 To find out the origin of my name “Borda d’Água”
#25 To do the puzzle “The Accolade”
#26 To write a manifesto
#27 To triple my postcards collection
#28 To go to a gym
#29 To do a travel with my aunt
#30 To convince someone to do his own list of “101 things to do in 1001 days”
#31 For a weekend only eat vegetarian food
#32 To read a book written in French
#33 To make a BIG surprise to my godson in one of his birthdays or in Christmas
#34 To buy an expensive red wine bottle and share it with someone
#35 To write a monologue
#36 To write a dialog
#37 To participate at least once in a volunteers action, with which I identify myself
#38 To loose 8kg
#39 To go to London
#40 To pick up a day in the week, buy the newspaper that day and read it from the beginning to the end
#41 To see 101 movies from the 250 Best Movies List of IMDB
#42 To send a letter to someone that doesn’t have a clue of who I am
#43 To cook to someone
#44 To learn a new language
#45 To go see a football match of the Portuguese selection (if possible, in a foreign country)
#46 To go for a rally with my cousin
#47 To do a digital compilation of all my photos
#48 To plant tulips
#49 To ride a motorbike
#50 To visit the Convent of Christ, in Tomar
#51 To send a Chocotelegram to someone
#52 To always have at least one postcard travelling by Postcrossing
#53 To go out for a coffee with a friend that I don’t talk to for years
#54 To taste something that I think I’m not going to like it
#55 To attend a creative writing workshop
#56 To go out for a big weekend and do a road trip (but without previous destination)
#57 To save 1€ for each of the 1001 days
#58 To decide what to do in the end of the 1001 days with 1001 Euros
#59 To go to the theatre
#60 To do a thematic party in the summer at my garden, in Murteira
#61 To buy a new mp3
#62 To go to the library and return the two books that I’ve bought and that are in my bookcase for over an year
#63 To visit Italy or Czech Republic
#64 To calcute my ecological footprint and reduce it
#65 To do my own recipes book (and include on it all those recipes that are in my aunt’s head)
#66 To do something that I think that I’m not able to do
#67 To go to a SPA
#68 To do a First Aid kit to put on the car
#69 To photograph the maximum number of Castles and Lighthouses in Portugal
#70 To go to a concert of a Portuguese band
#71 To go to a concert of a foreign band
#72 To read a book written in English
#73 To ride a horse
#74 To learn how to work with a program of photography edition
#75 To write a “Travel Diary” of one of my travels
#76 To paint the hair on a different colour (just to see!!)
#77 To hear 101 albums of the list of the “1000 albums that you should hear before you die”
#78 To learn how to do “molotof” (typical Portuguese dessert)
#79 To get ride off of 101 things that I already don’t need
#80 To learn how to change the car tire
#81 To do my family tree
#82 To write a letter of gratitude to some establishment where I had been really well attended
#83 To buy a good classic music cd and decide if I like it or not
#84 To read 12 books that are considered “Classic”
#85 To read 12 books that are considered “Contemporaries”
#86 To write a text for someone read when I die
#87 To see Requiem for a Dream (don’t have idea if it is on the 250 Best Movies List of the IMDB)
#88 To see Toy Story (idem)
#89 To enrol in another degree course
#90 To read a book of each Nobel Prize of the Literature awarded in that year and to know who gained the other Nobel Prizes and why
#91 To go camping at least 7 times
#92 To learn how to do the “tie knot”
#93 To do my passport (and use it!)
#94 To gather some histories about my family, specially those that I don’t have idea yet
#95 To go on a roller coaster
#96 To complete my dvd’s collection of Friends (two seasons missing)
#97 To swim with the dolphins (or in the impossibility to swim on a waterfall)
#98 To do a Pic-Nic
#99 To go to the Alps
#100 To take a “self-portrait” of my family in Murteira, in the summer (with all!!)
#101 To celebrate in a funny way the accomplishment of these 101 things
The Challenge
It all started because I really spent too many time on the internet. I was seeing nothing at special (and I was doing it for a while) when I saw a site of a girl that was talking about 101 things that she has to do in 1001 days! I saw it quickly and since then I loved the idea. I went out for work but always thinking “And if it was me, what 101 things would I do in so many days?”. When I arrived I let her a note on the page saying more or less “What a great idea…I think I’m going to do the same”. And I did.
At first it was not so easy as I thought that it would be, after all 101 things are too many things. To reach the first 30/40 is very simple, to define 60 it’s a little bit slower, and by the time that I was thinking in my 75th thing I already lost at least about 10 minutes between defying two more things. In one of these lacks of inspiration I went again to the net and see if somebody else had this idea also. And it was a surprise for me… An all world of “101 things to do in 1001 days” appeared to me, with lists of all over the world: finished lists, failed lists, house-related lists, life-lists (some people in the 1001 days wanted to know the man/girl of her/his life, get married, buy a house and have babies!), but most of all, lists of persons that were really trying to accomplish their goals. I saw some great ideas (some so crazy that I know that I couldn’t do them) and some that really have something to do with me. So with a little bit of help, to achieve my 101 list was now a little bit easier.
I never liked the feeling of “Hummm…and now what?” and of not having anything to do. Despite that I admit I always was a little bit lazy, I always wanted to do so many different (and sometimes, very simple) but for a reason or another I ended up not doing them. So, no more excuses now. This are things that I really want to do and if I have a tight timetable, even better.
Finally, I don’t want this to be an “empty promise”. I think that these kind of lists appear to promise an idea of happiness and of enjoying life that can be danger. I must always have on my mind that is not by fulfilling each one of these things that I’m going to have the guarantee of happiness. Above all I must live every minutes of my life, and I’m perfectly aware that it’s not going be easy all the times. To forget about me for a minute and in a moment be there for a friend is so much more important than so many of these 101 things. Some of them can be superficial, unnecessary, even silly, but are my very own 101 things, and I want to try them. Probably I’m going to hate doing some of those, even unpredictably. Sometimes we think that we’re going to like of something new and in the end, in reality, is something that is very “down” comparing with our expectations. I know that’s going to happen. It’s like life. I just have to be prepared and not letting that to gain much importance.
So, my 1001 blue days (and nights) are just at my door…and I have so many things to do with them =)
At first it was not so easy as I thought that it would be, after all 101 things are too many things. To reach the first 30/40 is very simple, to define 60 it’s a little bit slower, and by the time that I was thinking in my 75th thing I already lost at least about 10 minutes between defying two more things. In one of these lacks of inspiration I went again to the net and see if somebody else had this idea also. And it was a surprise for me… An all world of “101 things to do in 1001 days” appeared to me, with lists of all over the world: finished lists, failed lists, house-related lists, life-lists (some people in the 1001 days wanted to know the man/girl of her/his life, get married, buy a house and have babies!), but most of all, lists of persons that were really trying to accomplish their goals. I saw some great ideas (some so crazy that I know that I couldn’t do them) and some that really have something to do with me. So with a little bit of help, to achieve my 101 list was now a little bit easier.
I never liked the feeling of “Hummm…and now what?” and of not having anything to do. Despite that I admit I always was a little bit lazy, I always wanted to do so many different (and sometimes, very simple) but for a reason or another I ended up not doing them. So, no more excuses now. This are things that I really want to do and if I have a tight timetable, even better.
Finally, I don’t want this to be an “empty promise”. I think that these kind of lists appear to promise an idea of happiness and of enjoying life that can be danger. I must always have on my mind that is not by fulfilling each one of these things that I’m going to have the guarantee of happiness. Above all I must live every minutes of my life, and I’m perfectly aware that it’s not going be easy all the times. To forget about me for a minute and in a moment be there for a friend is so much more important than so many of these 101 things. Some of them can be superficial, unnecessary, even silly, but are my very own 101 things, and I want to try them. Probably I’m going to hate doing some of those, even unpredictably. Sometimes we think that we’re going to like of something new and in the end, in reality, is something that is very “down” comparing with our expectations. I know that’s going to happen. It’s like life. I just have to be prepared and not letting that to gain much importance.
So, my 1001 blue days (and nights) are just at my door…and I have so many things to do with them =)
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