Today I received this lighthouse on my mailbox and I thought that this would be a very good excuse to come here and write a little bit =) One of the good things in arriving home at the end of the day (besides all the other good things) is that once in a while I have a postcard waiting for me on the mail. Not on the computer, not an instant message, not some virtual hello. On that little box that demands a key to be open. Receiving a postcard gives us a moment where we disappear momentarily… We just stay there, looking to the postcard, smiling to the words that someone wrote on it, looking two, three, four times, to the picture on the front, imagining a thousand of possibilities. And I really like of that moment, of that always new-surprise.
On these last days I “re-found” a friend that I didn’t see since university. We were not even very friends, but after so so many years without seeing someone it’s good when in an improbable moment we found that person again. And this was a very improbable moment. I like of the feeling of being comfortable with someone without any special reason. And this is one of those persons. You can spend many many years without talking with them, but in the end, you always fell good and comfortable when you see them again. On the opposite there are those persons that you always knew, with whom you spent a lot of years, seeing every days, talking on the phone many hours, knowing all those growing-up histories and their parents and the rest of the family, that when you see them now you fell like a totally strange. Not knowing what to say, what to share, how to react. And that happens to me too. My rational part says “Hey, stop with that! You know this person, very well actually!! Tell to your body to react normal”, but my body simply doesn’t obey. Isn’t strange? Illogical?
So, about my list! The day without the TV hasn’t been very hard to accomplish. Last week I think that I didn’t turn on the television wednesday and thursday. It’s a question of habit… You find always something interesting and good to do and without notice it’s already time to go to bed again. I started (and ended) reading The Shell Seekers, from Rosamunde Pilcher, and despite not being one of my favourites books (and it’s not near of that) it was good reading. It makes me think (once more) how family it’s a strange and powerful link.
When I showed the list to a few persons I loved that reaction of them in trying to help me in the biggest number of things that they could! So, right now, and between other things, I already have
# A book from England on my way*
# Company to go to London
# Someone that will teach me to do the tie knot
# Company to drink the expensive wine bottle right now in December
# Someone that also wants all my aunt’s recipes
Like I said this week to someone: “It’s good to have company.”
In our journeys.
* I don’t know yet the title, it’s a kind of surprise, but my friend gave me a clue: “You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you.”
On these last days I “re-found” a friend that I didn’t see since university. We were not even very friends, but after so so many years without seeing someone it’s good when in an improbable moment we found that person again. And this was a very improbable moment. I like of the feeling of being comfortable with someone without any special reason. And this is one of those persons. You can spend many many years without talking with them, but in the end, you always fell good and comfortable when you see them again. On the opposite there are those persons that you always knew, with whom you spent a lot of years, seeing every days, talking on the phone many hours, knowing all those growing-up histories and their parents and the rest of the family, that when you see them now you fell like a totally strange. Not knowing what to say, what to share, how to react. And that happens to me too. My rational part says “Hey, stop with that! You know this person, very well actually!! Tell to your body to react normal”, but my body simply doesn’t obey. Isn’t strange? Illogical?
So, about my list! The day without the TV hasn’t been very hard to accomplish. Last week I think that I didn’t turn on the television wednesday and thursday. It’s a question of habit… You find always something interesting and good to do and without notice it’s already time to go to bed again. I started (and ended) reading The Shell Seekers, from Rosamunde Pilcher, and despite not being one of my favourites books (and it’s not near of that) it was good reading. It makes me think (once more) how family it’s a strange and powerful link.
When I showed the list to a few persons I loved that reaction of them in trying to help me in the biggest number of things that they could! So, right now, and between other things, I already have
# A book from England on my way*
# Company to go to London
# Someone that will teach me to do the tie knot
# Company to drink the expensive wine bottle right now in December
# Someone that also wants all my aunt’s recipes
Like I said this week to someone: “It’s good to have company.”
In our journeys.
* I don’t know yet the title, it’s a kind of surprise, but my friend gave me a clue: “You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you.”
Olá Joana:
É bom ver que está tudo a correr sobre rodas :)
Inspiraste-me e criei uma lista online para aplicar no ano novo. :)
Vamos a ver no que dá... lol
Força aí!
Um abraço,
Márcia (magl)
Humm...se eu te "inspirei" para teres criado essa lista de certa forma ajudaste-me a fazer o #30? Ou não? ;)
Depois partilha...quero ver e ajudar!! Ter companhia vai saber ainda melhor =)
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