On the 1st day of my project I decided to open a blog and actually this #101 Challenge was the perfect excuse to do it. I never had the will (or the need) of writing a journal or a di
ary frequently. Sometimes I could have one or other thing to share, but I never thought that would be enough to the maintenance of a blog. Joining that to my little bit of being lazy and it’s perfectly clear the absence of a blog in someone that really likes writing.
So, the first thing of the list was obvious for me…to create this place of sharing and of “social-responsibility”. It is easy to have some ideas, not sharing them and in the end don’t be bored by not achieving that ideas…after all, only we were on the knowledge of them. But to share our ideas and projects with others takes us to another level, we really want to achieve them, because, at least our friends are with us in that, crossing fingers to make it all right, and we don’t want to let them down =) Thing #5 was launched up.
This way, after my busy Sunday in the blogs-universe I started to think in the simple thing that I could next. And for me the #61 seemed very easy and obvious. So I went to a mall, to one of those huge stores of
electric things and I choose one from the dozens of products that they had in the exhibitor! Obviously I choose one not very expensive =) Comparing with my old mp3 this one has hugeee space (only 2GB, but the other one had only 512MB – I remember that when I bought it sounded so much!!) and I’m try it now…at least fulfilling it with some albums and other tracks that I have here for a while but for the lack of time I still didn’t listen them. Things like the Best Of from Radiohead, the last album of Portishead, a album from Patrick Watson, a Portuguese band, Deolinda, and other old things that sounds really comfortable to hear from times to times =)
In the few days I think I’m going to have my first obstacle… for some reason my computer isn’t recognizing my camera so I can’t past the photos of this two tasks (yes, one of the things it’s to photograph all the things by the time I was fulfilling them), but with hope it’s just a temporary bad-humour of the machine that will be quickly solved.
(mentally #102 thing – To solve little obstacles that we never thing we’re going to have at first sight!!)
So, easy things came first.
What’s next? =)

So, the first thing of the list was obvious for me…to create this place of sharing and of “social-responsibility”. It is easy to have some ideas, not sharing them and in the end don’t be bored by not achieving that ideas…after all, only we were on the knowledge of them. But to share our ideas and projects with others takes us to another level, we really want to achieve them, because, at least our friends are with us in that, crossing fingers to make it all right, and we don’t want to let them down =) Thing #5 was launched up.
This way, after my busy Sunday in the blogs-universe I started to think in the simple thing that I could next. And for me the #61 seemed very easy and obvious. So I went to a mall, to one of those huge stores of

In the few days I think I’m going to have my first obstacle… for some reason my computer isn’t recognizing my camera so I can’t past the photos of this two tasks (yes, one of the things it’s to photograph all the things by the time I was fulfilling them), but with hope it’s just a temporary bad-humour of the machine that will be quickly solved.
(mentally #102 thing – To solve little obstacles that we never thing we’re going to have at first sight!!)
So, easy things came first.
What’s next? =)
Olá Joana:
Primeiro, parabéns pela iniciativa. Está muito, muito giro!
Segundo, posso-te dar umas sugestões? :) (espero que não aches que é arrogância minha)
1. Porque não experimentas colocar a lista das 101 coisas numa daquelas miniaplicações lista ou texto? Assim, ficava sempre fixo no lado direito e os leitores não tinham de andar à procura da lista. ;)
2. Se calhar devias assinalar na lista as tarefas que já cumpriste, com outra cor ou formatação, ou qualquer coisa assim. Desta forma era mais fácil ver o que já fizeste.
Enfim,eu sou uma metediça e tinha de comentar. Estou a adorar o teu projecto e tenho vindo ao teu blog todos os dias.
Um abraço,
Olá, estava eu a ler o teu texto e a pensar com os meus botões "falta aqui a foto...", ahahaha, agora já percebi porque :P Espero que consigas resolver o teu problema com a máquina. Estou a a seguir o teu blog, e estou a gostar muito :)
Bem, acho que posso comentar no meu próprio blog certo? :P Márcia obrigada por teres iniciado esta parte dos comentarios...é sempre engraçado chegar e vermos sugestões!! Já tinha pensado nessas duas coisas, a parte de pôr a lista sempre na frente e a de ir riscando/alterando as cores à medida que for fazendo...mas desde 2ª feira que ando com um ritmo diferente e ontem fui para a cama super cedo!! E mm hoje vai ser banheira daqui a 20 minutos e depois cama ;) Coisinhas para resolver no fim de semana =) Tudo isto é um mundo novo para mim :P
E obrigada Susana!! É tão "diferente" partilhar coisas assim do nosso dia a dia...nunca tinha aberto um blog e quando penso em escrever, não consigo deixar de pensar "epá, mas isso interessa a alguém?" Será que não é demasiado trivial? Tenho que me habituar mais a isto!!
Enfim, obrigada às duas meninas! Gostei muito de chegar aqui e ver os vossos comentários ;)
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