It's going to be the "Bach's Cello Suites" =)

[#2 I've heard that becoming a donnor doesn't's just by giving a blood sample! I think that what really hurts it's when you have to give the marrow, if someones need it
#10 yeah, I thought in that one too, but we use it for the Zodiac sign also called portuguese "Caranguejo", so I didn't have sure
#29 Well, I liked the "End of the Affair" ;)
#12 Just have to see where their office in Lisbon is :P
(You want cards from "hard countries to get", I'm seeing...)
#87 No... I stood so sad and thoughfull... There's such a tiny line between life, dreams, madness, luck, reality...]
Have you bought the CD yet or is this still in the "I have decided" stage? Good choice by the way!
It was an advice and I decided to take it =) I'm going to buy it...maybe this weekend, I don't know yet! And it's going to be the version of Ralph Kirshbaum... I have never never listened classic music, so I will share the experience after =)
Bach is a great choice.
I would have chosen som piano or organ works, but Cello Suites hopefully are fine, too. :)
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