After a little disappearance in the last days of December, here am I again, disposed not to leave this blog to laziness and desertion =) Yesterday was the first day of the year and “first days” are always good moments to look back and forward and try to understand and unveil things that we did and things we want to do. I have some friends (two at least) that believe that in every seven years something really important and different happens in someone’s life. Something like a big change. Personally I don’t have big conviction on that (I think I’m not a life-theories fan) but I believe that are moments of change and 2009 gives me that smell of difference and I think that I just don’t want to miss it. I am perfectly aware that changes are made by ourselves, and that there isn’t a specific hour to that, but I also think that not every moments are moments of change. Am I definitely growing up? This change is specially an interior one and has nothing to do with wanting life-lists, like get married (even without marriage), have a good house or a job for the rest of the life. It’s more like a feeling of self-confidence, the will of getting higher, be more happy and not to bother with small things. I look back and I see that I stood so sad and furious with things that didn’t deserved my sadness and anger, and I think that I’m in a moment where I want to leave that behind. Dream higher, dream colourful. This is what I want for 2009 =)
Today is the 2nd day of the new year and also the first day in many that I have to myself. I stood sick on Christmas time (four days in the bed…25..26..27..28…and finally when I got better…29…day of work!!) so for the first time I’m enjoying some of my Christmas’ presents. At least the “musical” ones. I got two musical DVD’s and I spent a big part of my day hearing them.
The first one is probably from my favourite band, Radiohead, and it’s a kind of “special edition” with 2 cds and 1 dvd. I come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to me to say what is the song that I most like from Radiohead. I tried to think that to myself and it was such a
mess in my head…I would have to say at least about five or six songs that really make me feel in an incredible way, but there are so many others that “take me to the clouds”. If one genius of the lamp suddenly granting me 3 wishes, to be part of Radiohead since the beginning would be a funny thing to wish =) *
The other one is also a pack with 2 cds and 1 dvd, this time from the band Nouvelle Vague, with the live concert that they gave in Lisbon in December 2007. It’s a completely different thing (for start, all their songs are covers from other well known songs) but I like the well-mooded way they play them.
Am I not a lucky girl for had this two wonderful packs in Christmas?
Music makes me happy =)
I have to admit that I am a person that like Christmas. I like the smells of Christmas, the colours, the idea of being warm at home on those days, enjoying my family company, laughing and talking, with no rushes for anything else. How many days in the year I have like this ones? We do all, the preparations, the special cooks, the sweet and different desserts, having in our mind being together for a few hours. And I like that. I even like the presents’ part. To spent so many moments in the work-hours thinking and wondering in what funny things I could buy (or do) to my sister, to my cousin, to my godmother, to my friends, to the people that I really like. To have one or two brilliant (and crazy) ideas for some gifts and just try to arrange a way of getting them, because they sound so perfect to that specific person.
Today is the 2nd day of the new year and also the first day in many that I have to myself. I stood sick on Christmas time (four days in the bed…25..26..27..28…and finally when I got better…29…day of work!!) so for the first time I’m enjoying some of my Christmas’ presents. At least the “musical” ones. I got two musical DVD’s and I spent a big part of my day hearing them.
The first one is probably from my favourite band, Radiohead, and it’s a kind of “special edition” with 2 cds and 1 dvd. I come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to me to say what is the song that I most like from Radiohead. I tried to think that to myself and it was such a
The other one is also a pack with 2 cds and 1 dvd, this time from the band Nouvelle Vague, with the live concert that they gave in Lisbon in December 2007. It’s a completely different thing (for start, all their songs are covers from other well known songs) but I like the well-mooded way they play them.
Am I not a lucky girl for had this two wonderful packs in Christmas?
Music makes me happy =)
I have to admit that I am a person that like Christmas. I like the smells of Christmas, the colours, the idea of being warm at home on those days, enjoying my family company, laughing and talking, with no rushes for anything else. How many days in the year I have like this ones? We do all, the preparations, the special cooks, the sweet and different desserts, having in our mind being together for a few hours. And I like that. I even like the presents’ part. To spent so many moments in the work-hours thinking and wondering in what funny things I could buy (or do) to my sister, to my cousin, to my godmother, to my friends, to the people that I really like. To have one or two brilliant (and crazy) ideas for some gifts and just try to arrange a way of getting them, because they sound so perfect to that specific person.
So, I have the all the first 2009 weekend to enjoy calmly my Christmas presents and I know that I’m going to love it. To look carefully to the books that gave me, to wash my new Miffy’s Pajamas, to guard the “house things” and the “alcohol gifts” (that this year were a lot…I received about 8 bottles of different alcoholic drinks! Is this a softly way of people call me drunk?) and even to undo the Magic Cube (Rubik’s Cube) that gave me and that I simply loved. I know that I had one when I was little, but I never solve it. I have a chance again =)
Happy new year.
For me. For you. For the people I love. For the people you love.
For us.
* P.S. I’m also probably the only person in the world that already lost a ticket for a Radiohead concert, a ticket bought with so much love months before the show
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